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Human Design

Human Design Mandala Bodygraph

Human Design , is a system that offers insight and effective practices to embrace your inner wisdom, which reduces the resistance, stress and confusion you feel in your life and increases the pleasure you will get from your ride.


  • Why PSYCH-K® is different compared to other modalities?
    The biggest difference is principles and approach of PSYCH-K® which based on your wisdom, intelligence and capacity for transformation rather than the PSYCH-K® Facilitator's skill or knowledge. The second difference is its simplicity. Everything in PSYCH-K® is created and realized following the principle of "it should be as simple as possible, but not simpler" (A. Einstein). It does not involve more effort, detail or complexity than necessary. The third difference is the tailor-made approach. It adapts to your needs. There are no ready-made prescriptions. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. If you feel empowered to recognize and change a problem, you have the solution and the power to solve it. The fourth difference is its sensitivity to the safety and appropriateness of the change you desire. The recurring protocol of "Permission" in PSYCH-K® processes ensures that any change can take place as long as it is "safe and appropriate" for you. Finally, and perhaps the epitome of it all, the spiritual essence. This essence reminds you that you are a spiritual being who is constantly having human experiences.
  • Can I book a PSYCH-K® session?
    You can create your appointment by clicking the button below. If you have any other questions or want to know before making an appointment, just contact me via the contact form or e-mail address .
  • Can PSYCH-K® heal physical or mental health problems?
    PSYCH-K® is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis and treatment, it does not diagnose, treat or prescribe like a doctor/psychiatrist. It is often experienced that PSYCH-K® supports professional medical treatment. There is a very strong biological interaction between mind and body, which is scientifically proven. PSYCH-K® can help with this interaction. Because PSYCH-K® takes the approach of transforming your subconscious beliefs - as long as it is safe and appropriate for you - it can help to transform any limiting subconscious beliefs you may have about your current state of health or condition. Some of these may have been acquired in infancy and childhood and remain so deep that they are not recognized in adulthood, most notably fears, anxieties and the destructive stress (distress) they trigger. With PSYCH-K® you can change your subconscious beliefs that can affect your mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. Although it is not possible to guarantee a specific result in a certain period of time due to the person-, state- and situation-dependent nature of PSYCH-K®, most states and situations can achieve significantly positive results using only PSYCH-K® processes.
  • Why PSYCH-K® ?
    "PSYCH-K® is a friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind and change the outcome of your life... and the world!" (Robert. M. Williams, MA, originator of PSYCH-K®) The reality you see right now is actually seen through a pair of glasses shaped by your subconscious mind. How that lens filters what you see, shapes your life accordingly. Therefore, your life is a reflection of the beliefs, thoughts, codes and habits stored in your subconscious mind. Most of this program in your subconscious began to be recorded before you were born and this recording continued to form until you were 7 years old. In fact, this is a lifelong process that never stops. Since PSYCH-K® is a method that works at the level of this mechanism, it helps you to realize the change you need directly at the source, leaner and more holistic. Since it has a structure that can be easily adapted to your wants and needs, it can be used to achieve a wide range of goals. Thus, it helps you to re-perceive yourself, the events and potentials in your life on a conscious and subconscious level to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
  • How can PSYCH-K® help me?
    Your subconscious codes and beliefs determine how, when, to what degree, with what limits,... your potential hidden in your true essence will come to life in our three-dimensional world. If you feel that you are skidding in the same place despite all your "pushing", "efforts", "working yourself to the bone" on the issues you are having problems with in your life (my experience, if it happened to you, was like being in a car with the handbrake on and pushing the gas all the way and eventually choking the car but not getting any further), probably your subconscious and your conscious mind are in conflict. And it is the law that the subconscious comes out victorious from every conflict. This feeling of skidding can happen in any area of your life: Relationship, job performance, career, creativity, sexuality, physical performance, learning performance, weight loss, well-being, stressful situation, fear, health, well-being... PSYCH-K® helps you to have a new perception and potential by facilitating the creation of a subconscious record of whatever it is you want to experience in place of this feeling and the experiences that created it.
  • What is PSYCH-K®?
    "PSYCH-K® is a set of principles and processes designed to shift beliefs at the subconscious level that limit the full expression of your potential as a divine being having a human experience." (Rob Williams, originator of PSYCH-K®) Starting with the meaning of the name, PSYCH-K® consists of two parts. The Greek word "PSYCHE", which has roots of meaning such as soul, soul in the body, essence, butterfly, has evolved into a meaning that represents our spiritual and mental essence in our age. PSYCH stands for PSYCHE. The "K" is used here as an abbreviation of the English word "key", which means the key that unlocks the solution. When these two words are combined, PSYCH-K® means your change that unlocks your pathway to peacefully offer your spiritual and mental essence to life. According to neuroscience researchers, we are only fully conscious of 5% of our cognitive activities such as our desires, wishes, thoughts. In reverse, most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviors, roughly 95%, are driven by our brain activity that operates beyond our conscious awareness (what we call the subconscious mind). The subconscious mind is more habit-prone; it is programmed to replay over and over again from its existing recordings. Moreover, if we have to make a comparison, your conscious mind is a relatively simple, slow computer that can process 40 bits per second, while the subconscious mind is very fast, like a high-tech super computer that can process 40 Million bits per second. Since your conscious mind cannot keep up with the speed of your subconscious mind, the thoughts, beliefs and codes that allow you to see and live your reality always come from your subconscious mind. In other words, your life is an exact reflection of your subconscious beliefs, reactions and records. The vast majority of these are programmed in our parental interactions from before birth until about age 7; others are recorded and programmed throughout life. Some of these are useful, vital codes; others lose their usefulness over time and even become problematic. So, in any area of your life, if you have habits, fears, stresses, thoughts, beliefs that you find difficult to change, or if you are not achieving your goals and have difficulty trying to do so, your subconscious mind may be undermining or interfering with your conscious mind. Even if you know theoretically what you need to do, why it is important and how to do it, you may find it difficult to experience it. PSYCH-K®, created to work at the subconscious level that has such powerful effects on you, makes it easier for you to reprogram the beliefs and codes that no longer work or are causing you problems in your evolution and helps you transform them into a form that serves you. PSYCH-K® is a simple yet powerful process that helps you to change your troubles, beliefs, thoughts, old habits or mental codes that are self-limiting and sabotaging that you are often not consciously aware of. PSYCH-K® can support you to achieve them by focusing on what you want to experience instead of what you are currently experiencing. This can be any area of your life: Self-confidence, relationships, career, sexuality, finances, physical condition... It can even be about your state of health, which can be limiting and prevent us from achieving well-being. PSYCH-K® is a practical and interactive change process that has been proven with thousands of people for over 30 years. Its methodology is a unique blend of modern neuroscience research as well as transformational tools derived from the ancient wisdom of the mind and body. As PSYCH-K® is a spiritual process with psychological and physical benefits, the ultimate goal is to help you liberate your mind from beliefs that limit you from seeing yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience.
  • What doesn't PSYCH-K® do? What does PSYCH-K® do?
    Each PSYCH-K® Balances results in a Whole Brain State, which is clearly seen and confirmed by your physical body through your muscles. The resulting Whole Brain State is your mental expansion beyond or outside of your previous limiting programming, codes thoughts or beliefs. Thus, a ground and more options and potential become available to you to create, attract or sustain your desired experience. PSYCH-K® fully produces the desired outcome after each Balances AND/OR may not always completely transform an unwanted state/situation. Because every change can take place depending on your potential, your will and determination to change. But in any case, every Balancing you do, sometimes all at once, sometimes more Balancing over time, helps you move towards your desired goal and take the necessary actions. For over 30 years, thousands of people have frequently reported significant success in achieving their goals with PSYCH-K®.
  • Who can benefit from PSYCH-K®?
    PSYCH-K® is a method that can be adapted to everyone's needs, so it works differently for different people for different goals. PSYCH-K® is very safe as it constantly checks whether any change of goals and beliefs is safe and appropriate for the person. Therefore, anyone who has the will to benefit from it and the intention to experience it can benefit from it. To give an example: Those who want to transform limiting subconscious beliefs in order to manifest their full potential. Those who wish to supplement their standard medical treatment by assisting the body's natural self-healing activation. Those who want to fully participate in their own spiritual evolution. Those who wish to support their own enlightenment for a happier and more peaceful life.
  • How does PSYCH-K® work?
    "The Secret of Life is Beliefs. Our beliefs, rather than genes, control our lives. PSYCH-K® is a set of simple self-help techniques for changing these beliefs and perceptions that affect your life at the cellular level." (Bruce Lipton, PhD, author of The Biology of Belief) PSYCH-K® uses a set of programming processes to replace the recordings of thoughts, behaviors, habits, stressful situations that no longer serve you, that cause you to experience things you don't want, with ones that will give you the experiences you want. These processes bring you to a "Whole Brain State" that allows new programs to be recorded quickly and easily, allowing changes to take place. The "Whole Brain State" allows both hemispheres of your brain to work at full performance and capacity while increasing the exchange of information. PSYCH-K® processes also help you communicate directly with your subconscious and superconscious mind (your inner wisdom/higher self/super consciousness), allowing you to change your limiting beliefs and perceptions of stressful situations in the healthiest and most accurate way.
  • Immediately/When/How can I get results of the session?
    Although each of our problems may look similar on the surface, the underlying causes and the potential and system to solve them are unique. This is even the case with similar problems for a single person. The time, the way, the form... are always different. At this point I can only share my testimony. Some people excitedly say that they started to experience changes during or immediately after the session. Some people marvel at the change in their lives after some time (a few weeks or months). When I work with myself, I always experience the results at different times and in different ways. Sometimes I forget that I have been working on that topic and the moment I experience the change in my life, I remember with gratitude that I have been working on that topic. So, what is really useful is to wait for the changes you create with PSYCH-K® to happen. It is useless to get stuck in being temporally and formally attached to an outcome. So the optimal way is to focus on what you want to change and to wait with curiosity to notice what will change.
  • How can I find out more about PSYCH-K® before the session?
    For more information about PSYCH-K®, please visit my PSYCH-K® page. If you want to get information from the website of the PSYCH-K® International Center: Please find below a video of comments from Rob Williams, the creator of PSYCH-K®, and comments from trainers and facilitators who have experienced PSYCH-K®: Below you can find a video in which Dr. Bruce Lipton, a renowned cell biologist and geneticist, author of The Biology of Belief, who has himself experienced PSYCH-K®, explains the subconscious mind, the mechanism by which PSYCH-K® works, its effects on our lives and PSYCH-K®: You can watch the answers of Eralp Caner, the only authorized PSYCH-K® trainer in Turkey, to frequently asked questions about PSYCH-K® in the video below. If you look at the description section of the video, you will see which questions start to be answered at which minute. It is also possible to skip only to the answer of the question you are interested in by clicking on them
  • How can I book a session? or the contact form on the site.
  • Is there anything I should do before the session?
    In order to use our study time efficiently and study more topics, I recommend that you think about the current topics you want to focus on and prioritize them in a way that makes sense for you. For more information about PSYCH-K®, please visit my PSYCH-K® page. If you would like to get information from the website of the PSYCH-K® International Center: Please find below a video of comments from Rob William, the creator of PSYCH-K®, and comments from trainers and facilitators who have experienced PSYCH-K®: Kendisi de PSYCH-K® bizzat deney(im)lemiş ünlü hücre biyoloğu ve genetik bilimci, İnancın Biyolojisi yazarı Dr. Bruce Lipton 'un PSYCH-K®'nin işlediği mekanizma olan bilinçaltını, onuBelow you can find a video in which Dr. Bruce Lipton, a renowned cell biologist and geneticist, author of The Biology of Belief, who has himself experienced PSYCH-K®, explains the subconscious mind, the mechanism by which PSYCH-K® works, its effects on our lives and PSYCH-K®: You can watch the answers of Eralp Caner, the only authorized PSYCH-K® trainer in Turkey, to frequently asked questions about PSYCH-K® in the video below. If you look at the description section of the video, you will see which questions start to be answered at which minute. It is also possible to skip only to the answer of the question you are interested in by clicking on themn hayatımız üzerindeki etkilerini ve PSYCH-K®yi anlattığı videoyu aşağıda bulabilirsiniz:Y
  • How many sessions should I take? Will I need to repeat the session?
    A single study on the same problem is often sufficient. Sometimes, a person's perception of change, their power to change, or their perception of the situation/state they want to work on may require more than one study. For example, if the person feeds on the problem they want to change in a completely different area of their life without being aware of it (secondary benefit), another work may be needed. Some people may experience some changes during or immediately after the session, while others may achieve their goals in the days following the session. Since PSYCH-K® facilitates you to reveal your wisdom and aims to empower you, you and your system decide when and how to continue the session.
  • How long is the session?
    45 - 60 minutes on average.
  • How is the session? What will we do in the session?
    We will spend about the first 10 minutes of the workshop on describing the current situation/state/problem in life that you no longer want to experience, that you want to change. Then we will clarify for you the answer to the question "What do you want instead?", that is, your goal, and together we will create a goal statement. In the part of your mind that you cannot consciously access, we will communicate with your subconscious mind with a muscle testing approach specific to PSYCH-K® to transform your codes/beliefs that create this unwanted situation/state/problem into a form that will serve you. Together with you, we will create new codes/beliefs/programs using the tools of change we call 'Balance' to create the transformation in your subconscious mind that will lead you to your desired goal. If the state/situation/problem you want to work with allows in terms of time, we may be able to deal with more than one of your issues in the same work and transform them into a form that will serve you.
  • What should I pay attention to about the environment in which I will attend the session?
    To support the session to be as beneficial as possible for you, make sure that the place where you will be attending the session is quiet and calm. Make sure that you are alone as much as possible and that there are no distractions or distractions. Choose a place to sit during the session with the flexibility to change position as needed. Have the freedom to use both hands comfortably. Make sure that your camera, microphone, headphones or speakers are working and that you are in a place with a good internet connection. Check that you have Google Meet or Whatsup installed and running on your mobile phone or computer with the latest updates. Make sure you have enough drinking water with you. I also recommend taking tissues just in case. If you want to take notes, a pen and paper can also be kept within reach. Since the session will last 45-55 minutes on average, I recommend you to adjust your timing accordingly.
  • What is the session fee?
    The session fee is 100$. Payment information will be sent to you by e-mail when you make your appointment. You must have paid before your session. All additional fee related to transfer will be covered by you.
  • Where and how will we hold the session?
    With the method called "Surrogation", we can perform PSYCH-K® session remotely (e.g. using a platform like Zoom, Whatsup, phone, Google Meets, etc.), as long as it is safe and approriate for both you and me as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator. As a PSYCH-K® Facilitator trained for "Surrogation", I can use my own body as a reflector to get your "Muscle Test" results through my own body. There is no difference between a remote (online) session and a session when we are physically together, except for the inclusion of the "Surrogation"; it is just as powerful and effective in terms of its results.
  • What is coaching?
    The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as "partnering with people in an inspiring, thought-provoking and creative process to help them maximize their personal and professional potential". We all have a wide range of goals we want to achieve, challenges we strive to overcome and times when we feel stuck. The ultimate goal of coaching, which can be used in these situations, is to help you make progress in a particular area of your life, your business or overcome a problem you are struggling with. This process, which takes place through conversation, is a tool that aims to help the person reach the next stage where they will be satisfied with their current situation. While walking towards this goal, it is very important to see one's potential, knowledge, competence and obstacles correctly and to focus on the solution by analyzing what one needs correctly. Where is he/she sabotaging himself/herself; at what point is he/she skidding; where does he/she need to gain self-motivation; how should he/she program his/her existing resources; how should he/she create a road plan to reach what he/she needs? On the way to reaching their goals, coaching facilitates the individual to increase their self-awareness by asking the right questions and discovering the answers to make the right decisions for themselves. Coaching with a professional coach is a process that is far away from any kind of judgment, falsification, know-how, and prescribing a single prescription, that gives confidence to the person, reveals his/her potential, helps the person to set a vision in line with his/her goals, supports the person to increase his/her belief and motivation in order to reach the point he/she wants to reach, and is a companion.
  • What is the role of Aries?
    The role of a professional coach is to ask the right question for you and help you find the answer that will solve the problem in your life. The principle at the heart of coaching is that the answers you need are already within you. To this end, the professional coach uses a range of conversational techniques such as questioning, active listening, observation and reflection. These techniques are specifically designed to help you gain greater self-awareness and often insight that you have not seen before. GROW, NLP, etc. techniques are blended according to need. Beyond the technique, the coach focuses his/her attention on you, without prejudice, without falsification, without judgment, without prescription, making it easier for you to understand how to move forward with this field he/she opens. To ensure that progress is being made, the coach focuses on setting the goal. Usually after a session, he or she encourages you to create an action plan. So you know what steps are needed to keep moving forward.
  • How does coaching session work?
    Especially the first one or two sessions are dedicated to discussing in which areas you are problematic / unhappy / dissatisfied, what you want to achieve in life and where you want to see yourself in the future. For this, we utilize various techniques such as Wheel of Life, Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis. Once you are clear about the goal you want to achieve, I will start asking you a series of questions to explore how you can make positive changes in your life to achieve it. I provide feedback to help you focus on your goals. From time to time we will also set tasks for you to work on between sessions. While the sessions are collaborative, it is up to you to reflect on, weigh and, where necessary, challenge certain thoughts and habits you have to help you move forward in your life. During the whole coaching process, you will not be forced into any situation that you are not comfortable with, as you choose the topics to be discussed according to your needs. The main thing is to explore your thoughts, feelings and yourself in a safe space with the right questions.
  • What is Human Design?
    "Human Design is not a belief system. It doesn't require you to believe in anything or to believe in me. It is not a story; it is not a philosophy. It is a concrete map towards the nature of being, a logical way to see ourselves. Just the simple mechanics of energy is enough to make a big difference in a person's life." Ra Uru Hu, founder of Human Design Human Design is a synthesis of old and new wisdom that facilitates self-empowerment, self-fulfillment and being in touch ith the part of you that knows what is right for you. It makes it easy to discover what makes you different from everyone else. It offers deep insights into your psychology as well as practical strategies and techniques that enable you to make the right decisions for you and thus live a more comfortable and fulfilling life. It is a highly logical and empirical system that addresses the conscious mind. It creates the opportunity for you to grasp the mechanics of energy in your design, to experiment with it and to see for yourself how it works for you. As you begin to experiment with the knowledge of Human Design in your life, you will see your perception and your perspective on life begin to change in a way that serves you to be yourself authentically; you will notice that the resistances you feel in all areas of your life, especially in relationships, begin to diminish.
  • Why should I have a Human Design Foundation Reading Session from a certified analyst?
    Ra Uru Uru, the creator of the Human Design system, founded the International Human Design School (IHDS) in 1992 to teach and learn this knowledge in the most accurate and healthy way. IHDS is responsible for Human Design System educational standards according to the original teachings. IHDS also ensures that standards and materials for Human Design are set and maintained worldwide and is the official certifying body and record keeper for all Certified IHDS Human Design Professionals. To quote Ra, "The Vision of IHDS is to preserve and share with the world the original teachings, frequency, integrity and intention of the Human Design System through our Teachers, Professionals and students." For example, the training of a certified analyst takes a minimum of 4 years. This is set by Ra himself. The joke here is that someone who is going to pass on his analysis to someone else has to have enough experience in his own Human Design experiment. Anyway, when you go through this training step by step, you realize that it cannot be finished in a shorter time. Because the knowledge of Human Design is huge, it's very deep, it requires crawling and labor. If you want to get a session according to the original knowledge, teaching, integrity and the intention of the founder, I recommend you to contact the people certified by IHDS.
  • How does Human Design system work?
    The Human Design system bases its explanation of the unique energy mechanics of each of us on subatomic particles that science calls "neutrinos". This particle, referred to in ancient lore as prana or chi, is an extraordinary reality that has a mass despite being infinitesimally small and moving at close to the speed of light. Approximately 3 trillion neutrinos and the material information they carry pass through every square centimeter of our planet every second. Our sun produces about 70% of the neutrinos in our solar system, while 30% are emitted from other stars in our galaxy and a small amount from the planet Jupiter. Since neutrinos have a mass that is infinitesimally small, they leave information as they flow through us. In other words, our galaxy is in a constant flow of information, and inside each of us there are particles that connect us to this flow. The moment we are born, the information carried by the neutrino stream leaves a permanent imprint on us. This imprint is reflected in your Human Design Graph and determines your unique Design. This information provides us with the knowledge to understand our nature, our potential and the way we interact.
  • How does the Human Design Foundation Reading Session take place?
    This session lasts 60-90 minutes and takes place online with or without video. After the session, both the audio recording and the notes are shared with you. Thus, you can listen to it over and over again as you need throughout your experience.
  • How can I book a Human Design Foundation Reading session?
    To make an appointment for Human Design Basic Reading, just click the button below. If you would like to get more information or ask questions about the Human Design session You can send an email to or use the contact box at the bottom of the page.
  • What is Human Design Foundation Reading Session?
    This 60-90 minute session aims to introduce you to your Design through your Body Chart and empower you to experience your life from your true essence with minimal resistance. Topics we will discuss during the session, your: Type & Strategy: How does your body and aura work? How do you interact with others? What path should you follow to live your true essence? "We are in a vehicle. We are not the driver. The whole point about recognizing your type is about recognizing how your vehicle works. The basis of how the vehicle works." Ra Uru Hu Authority: The voice of your own truth. How can you make decisions that arise only from your own truth and that you can trust at any moment, uninfluenced by the conditioning you receive from the environment you live in? "[Authority] ... is what you can trust in making decisions, and it is never the mind that you can trust in making decisions." Ra Uru Hu Definition: Your life force that is constantly flowing within you and that you can rely on. How you interact with the world with this life force. How you connect with other people. "... if you cannot live your definition, you will never get your life." Ra Uru Hu Profile: The costume you put on to act out your role in presenting your reality to life. The role you play in this costume enriches our experience of life, because through our particular role we relate to and influence others. Opennes: The part of you that is open to the energy of others, determined by your definition; your open windows to life; what you come to learn; ways to interact with another without losing your uniqueness. Recognizing your mind in conflict with your true self and making it an ally on your path.
  • Why Human Design?
    Human Design is about understanding the unique energy structure that comes from your design and exploring how to use it to guide your life in the most natural and healthy way. These discoveries can be in many different areas: Self-Discovery: It can help you understand your personality, your inner nature, the aspects of yourself that your mind categorizes as "strong and weak". In this way, you can direct your life more consciously and use your potential better. Effective Communication and Relationships: It can be useful in understanding your interactions with people and building deeper, more meaningful relationships. By understanding your own and others' energy types and ways of interacting, you can communicate more effectively. Decission Making: It can guide you in your decision-making processes. By making decisions in accordance with your natural energy flow, you can achieve more balanced and satisfying results. Career Development: It can help you discover your natural talents in the field of work and career and the right working environment. It can be used to help you understand what kind of work suits you and what strategies can be effective to help you succeed. Health ve Well-being: It can help you understand the factors that affect your physical and mental health. It can help you determine which lifestyle, diet or exercise patterns are best for you. Mental Development: It can help you to make your mind an ally, a companion of your true essence and help you to live less resistant and more balanced and peaceful.
  • In what areas of my life can Human Design help me?
    Human Design can help you in every area of life where you experience resistance. Because what it aims is for you to live your true essence, your natural self. In addition to this, to continue your journey by going through what does not belong to you as much as an experience, without defining yourself with them, without making decisions with them, without directing your life with them. Therefore, whatever the theme specific to your design that you have problems with, you will benefit from those situations. For example, if you, are constantly striving to make things right, have to push things to make things happen suffer from pressures that consume you are tired of waiting for answers and confirmation from outside feel you have to constantly prove yourself, most of all to yourself are tired of recurring patterns in your relationships that leave you unsatisfied are on autopilot in your mind, struggling with the same things and drifting to repetitive conclusions then Human Design may help you. . Because it is a practical knowledge that calls you to experience life by constantly relying on your own wisdom. It helps you to deactivate the autopilot of your mind that lies behind the resistances and troubles you feel and transform your mind into a passenger watching your journey. It helps you to understand the source of the motives you experience in all kinds of one-to-one relationships, which often make you feel helpless, and to solve them.
  • What is the Human Design Bodygraph?
    Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your chart (BodyGraph). Your BodyGraph is a graphic representation of the energetic flow in your system, a guide to how you function and how you interact with the world. You can calculayte your own Bodygraph through this link by entering your date, place and time of birth. If you do not know the exact time of your birth or do not have the means to know it, it is possible to find out by rectification.
  • What is the Human Design Foundation Reading session fee?
    The session lasting 60-90 minutes costs 100$. All banking fee related to transfer will be covered by you.
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